Posts in Yoga & Meditation

Next time you drive down the street, look around you. What do you see? Fast food restaurants, sex shops, bars, coffee shops; all things that are monetized based on demand for pleasure. What do all people want? Happiness. What brings a feeling of happiness? Ice cream for some, alcohol for others. The pleasure these things bring in is not bad. In fact, they are an experience that should be enjoyed when made mindfully.

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Our culture does not train focus. Quite the opposite. Capitalism encourages economic growth. As a result, we are bombarded by ads. Advertisements divert our focus are everywhere you look. From our smart phones to walking down the isle in the grocery store, objects are trying to catch your eye, and your mind. Shiny object here, shiny object there. Our minds are conditioned to be distracted.

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My eyes paused on each piece of vegetation that enveloped me. I stopped as my eyes fixated on the most intricate spiderweb glistening between two trees that sat 3 feet apart. At the center of the web was the most brilliantly colored spider I had ever seen. It’s bright red and blue body hung like a Christmas ornament against the tinsel like strings of its web.

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You stand at the bow of a ship sailing on a mighty ocean. Sails hoisted and aligned with your intended destination, your course is set. No matter how hard the waves try to divert your path or the darkness of night confuses, realign and hold steadfast to the wheel. The wind in your sails is trust in your purpose. You are relentless in the pursuit of your goals. Courageously, sail on.

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Practicing presence allows for spontaneity of flow so that when we return to the planning mind, there is more creativity and less time is spent analyzing every detail. Presence allows for smooth adaption to the guaranteed flux of life. With presence, we can let go of having to control everything because we are able to recognize more fully what we can control and what we can’t.

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A practice of being mindful shifts one from the planning mind of ‘what is next.” into acknowledging what is happening now. With a mindful approach to living, one is gratefully present with each instant, with each breath. Whether things are calm or hectic, can you surrender into the sensations coming in and put your full concentration on what is happening now.

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When one is operating in this limited mindset, they cannot be present nor satisfied with what is. Like mindlessly swiping through Tinder profiles, the pleasure seeing mind lives in a daze of half-asleep monotony, perpetually looking for what is better.  More! More! More! demands the never satiated Veruka Salt of the mind.

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No one accompanies you on your journey inward. It is one you do alone. You will meet yourself in that dark cave and stand eye to eye with the phantoms of your mind. This journey is not easy but nothing that brings growth ever is. Remain disciplined. The rewards for your efforts will come with a joyous magnitude that cannot be remotely compared to any earthy pleasure. Climb on.

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The tone of your vagus nerve impacts your body’s ability to recover after instances of stress. When the heart rate is elevated, the tonacity of your vagus determines how quickly your heart can return to its resting state. Meaning, how quickly you can hit that reset button after intense emotions arise.

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Meditation is a means of training the mind to be responsive rather than reactive. Our intention with meditation is to encourage a responsive, unwavering mind. By sitting in meditation and processing what is coming up, we lessen the effect that outside stimulus has on the mind.

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Noticing what you have aversion towards is the initial process to the work. What is coming up? What is making you uncomfortable? What is drawing you away from sitting; from listening and allowing in. My aversion was the word suffering and the idea that I was suffering, not wanting to feel suffering.

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One of the most effective practices to calm the mind is to be kind. Currently, our world is practicing the most gigantic effort towards kindness. We are staying home. We are putting off our ‘to do’s’ ‘wants’ and anything nonessential for the benefit of the world population. I have never seen a greater act of united compassion. This is a wondrous time of global transformation.

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