In what do you trust?

What do you repeatedly return to when life is unclear?

Is it reliable?

Has it lead you closer or further away from that which you truly want?


Like a ship oscillating in a dark current of confusion, trust your lighthouse. No matter how foggy the course, the inkling of light remains.

Where is your lighthouse?  

I was taught to trust God early in my life. However, the God I was introduced to was a judging God. One who shamed me for my wrongs and blessed me for my rights. This duality of spirit left me with broken trust.

I abandoned God.

But God did not abandon me.


My re-connection to spirit was found when sitting in a yoga class almost a decade ago. With my legs crossed and eyes closed, I felt hopeless and lost. “There has to be a reason I am alive. What is my purpose?” I asked this question not to a monstrous, judging God in the sky but to my heart. I silently said these words: “I connect to my higher self and my purpose. Show me the way.”

At the time, everything was upended in my life. I felt like I had been spinning in an eddy that spit me out onto a barren shore. I was discombobulated and did not know what or who to trust. I certainly didn’t trust myself. The route of my youth navigated my course into an iceberg. Taking a 180 degree turn,my boat was met with undulating surf. Exciting and turbulent, these waves that grew larger and larger until they had taken over my boat.

The intention I set in yoga class that day steadied my course and connected me to that which is greater than me. It set my trajectory towards my purpose and aligned me with my lighthouse.

God is the vast universe from the tiniest nebulous to the largest planetary system. You are a star within the universe. The God I began to form a relationship with that day was the God that was within me. My particle in the infinitude of space.

In connecting with my inner permanent Self, my GPS found the coordinates to my star.  My lighthouse.


Just as meditation teaches to continually return to the breath when the mind drifts off, each time I doubt or am unsure, I come back to my lighthouse, my trust in my purpose, my trust in that which is greater than me. For lack of a better word, my trust in God.

There is much uncertainty in my life right now. My business has been closed for six weeks and I don’t know when I will be able to reopen. I could go down a rabbit hole of worries (and have at times).

I decided to trust.

Instead of waking every morning in a cold sweat of concern as to how I am going to survive, each morning, I wake and sit on my cushion. My meditation practice has brought me inner connection and peace that all will be okay. This inner calm has enabled me to find things I can do during this time that serve my growth and the growth of my business.

Trust has calmed my ocean of uncertainty and brought in unimaginable blessings for which I am truly grateful.


Meditation is the foghorn bellowing into the distance. its blare rises above the haze of the cluttered mind. Sound your horn and look for your lighthouse.

Three readings today and the guided mindfulness meditation. Sit in silence with your breath and focused gaze for 5 to 10 minutes after. As the mind drifts off, gently come back.

Inhale, trust.

Exhale, trust.

Journal anything significant that arises and serves your growth.

To your greatness.