Posts tagged mindfulness

My eyes paused on each piece of vegetation that enveloped me. I stopped as my eyes fixated on the most intricate spiderweb glistening between two trees that sat 3 feet apart. At the center of the web was the most brilliantly colored spider I had ever seen. It’s bright red and blue body hung like a Christmas ornament against the tinsel like strings of its web.

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Practicing presence allows for spontaneity of flow so that when we return to the planning mind, there is more creativity and less time is spent analyzing every detail. Presence allows for smooth adaption to the guaranteed flux of life. With presence, we can let go of having to control everything because we are able to recognize more fully what we can control and what we can’t.

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A practice of being mindful shifts one from the planning mind of ‘what is next.” into acknowledging what is happening now. With a mindful approach to living, one is gratefully present with each instant, with each breath. Whether things are calm or hectic, can you surrender into the sensations coming in and put your full concentration on what is happening now.

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When one is operating in this limited mindset, they cannot be present nor satisfied with what is. Like mindlessly swiping through Tinder profiles, the pleasure seeing mind lives in a daze of half-asleep monotony, perpetually looking for what is better.  More! More! More! demands the never satiated Veruka Salt of the mind.

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