Posts tagged mindset

If you had asked me 5 months earlier if I thought I would get my first two muscle ups, in the Open, at CrossFit New England with my favorite CrossFit athlete there to congratulate me after, I would have said you were crazy. Only in a dream world does stuff like that happen. But it did happen. It will be a moment forever etched in my mind. It would not have happened without a positive mindset.

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My eyes paused on each piece of vegetation that enveloped me. I stopped as my eyes fixated on the most intricate spiderweb glistening between two trees that sat 3 feet apart. At the center of the web was the most brilliantly colored spider I had ever seen. It’s bright red and blue body hung like a Christmas ornament against the tinsel like strings of its web.

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Noticing what you have aversion towards is the initial process to the work. What is coming up? What is making you uncomfortable? What is drawing you away from sitting; from listening and allowing in. My aversion was the word suffering and the idea that I was suffering, not wanting to feel suffering.

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